Funeral Services

“Funeral Services as individual as the life lived”

 Supporter-of-the-NDC Good Funeral Guild Member logo


Dealing with death is not a one-size-fits-all situation.  It is profoundly personal and unique to each individual. Yes, it’s inevitable that we’ll experience the loss of many loved ones throughout our lives…. let’s start talking a little bit more openly about it.

What is my role? Well, that’s a broad answer – most of which you’ll find here.

A funeral is that one last moment of intimacy with our loved one that not only allows us to say a final farewell, but also allows us to truly acknowledge the magnitude of the loss.  A funeral service is a journey of it’s own, sweeping across a bittersweet mix of emotions from sorrow, hurt and sickness of heart, right through to laughter, remembrance, and a sense of enrichment – and it’s so important to get it right!

I pride myself on the rapport I build with my families, and I work very closely with them to create a truly personal and meaningful service in exactly the way they wish.  Simply put, I am the advocate of the family. I work for them, with them, bringing to light their vision of how they want to say goodbye.  I encourage their involvement and they approve every single step of the script writing process, so that on the day my families can feel comfortable knowing exactly what is going to be said, and know there will be a friendly and reassuring face conducting the service for them.

I create funerals based on the beliefs and ideals of the deceased and their families and work hard to really capture the essence of the life that was lost,  because every life is unique and precious, so a funeral should be centred on that life, allowing families to say goodbye in their own special way.

Remember, you can have a funeral service anywhere – in a home, garden, village hall… it’s important that you create a moment that YOU and your family are comfortable with.  A good funeral Director should be able to accommodate any practical location at your request.


I’ve conducted a diverse range of services from the more traditionally formatted style, right through to themed services. Additionally, the variability of venues for these farewell moments are increasing in awareness, and although the majority of my services take place at a crematorium or a natural burial ground, I have also delivered funerals in homes, gardens, on a boat, and even co-led several church services. I have also witnessed some beautiful symbolic elements within funeral services – such as fingerprinting the casket, lighting special candles, blessing stones and the presentation of special trinkets – which enable my families to physically participate at such an important moment of loss, thus aiding their healing.
But my role in this field goes beyond the logistics…. it’s in the words that are spoken, it’s in the genuine delivery, and it’s in the investment of energy and emotion that hopefully guides my families through those difficult first few weeks after experiencing loss – not just on a practical level, but also on an emotional level. I ‘feel’ every single funeral I conduct, and I think that empathy and understanding is paramount.

For more information feel free to give me a call.





Pre-Need Funeral Scripts

Some of the most beautiful, powerful and comforting funerals I have conducted have included the words of the deceased themselves – where they have either written their own life story or a touching (and often funny!) tribute for those left behind.

Most funeral directors will offer pre-need plans which will identify the choices of the deceased with regards to elements such as the type of coffin, flower tributes, music and often poetry …. but what about the words that are to be said in the actual service?

Whether you lose someone suddenly or expectantly, not knowing the wishes of the deceased can be incredibly daunting and stressful.  What would they want said at their funeral? Who would they want to speak, if anyone?  What information about their life did they want to include?




So what is involved with a pre-need service script?

I would meet with you and discuss at length what you would like to create for your funeral service.  We would work closely together to build a poignant and uplifting moment for the loved ones you leave behind, thus eliminating any stress for them when you have gone.  As the weeks/months/years pass, we can update your script in any way you wish, but ultimately when the time comes your family will be given the gift of time to grieve, and not be swallowed up in arrangements and planning.  Obviously I cannot always promise I will be available to deliver the script when the time comes, but you’ll have peace of mind knowing that everything is in place and your final farewell will be exactly how you planned it to be.


For more information about this service, please get in touch.


Funeral Celebrant

A Funeral Celebrant can go by many names, whether it be Humanist Funeral Reader, Funeral Officiant, Independent Funeral Celebrant and many other names. The Funeral Celebrant’s primary role is to guide you and loved ones through the service in a respectful and tasteful manner. I work to make sure that my work represents everyone I work for and work hard to create a professional reputation.